Case Of the Week (COW) 31 August 2014
Right Dacryocystitis.
Rim enhancing collection like appearance (enlarged lacrimal sac) noted in the right lacrimal fossa communicating with the right naso-lacrimal duct. The lesion mildly compresses the medial aspect of globe with mild proptosis. The right medial rectus muscle is relatively enlarged.
The above findings are consistent with diagnosis of Dacryocystitis. It is an Inflammation of lacrimal sac or nasolacrimal duct caused by nasolacrimal duct obstruction or infection, commonly due to Staph aureus or Streptococcus. The lacrimal sac is a preseptal structure, lying anterior to the attachment of the medial orbital septum at the posterior lacnmal crest. Obstruction and inflammation of the sac and the NLD may lead to dilatation of the sac (dacryocystitis), with or without associated preseptal penorbital cellulitis. CT accurately depicts the anatomy and diagnosis as well as associated complications.
Contributed By:
Dr. Babu Peter, Dr. Srinivasaraman, Dr. Suriyakumar
BIR, Anderson Diagnostics
Right Dacryocystitis.
Rim enhancing collection like appearance (enlarged lacrimal sac) noted in the right lacrimal fossa communicating with the right naso-lacrimal duct. The lesion mildly compresses the medial aspect of globe with mild proptosis. The right medial rectus muscle is relatively enlarged.
The above findings are consistent with diagnosis of Dacryocystitis. It is an Inflammation of lacrimal sac or nasolacrimal duct caused by nasolacrimal duct obstruction or infection, commonly due to Staph aureus or Streptococcus. The lacrimal sac is a preseptal structure, lying anterior to the attachment of the medial orbital septum at the posterior lacnmal crest. Obstruction and inflammation of the sac and the NLD may lead to dilatation of the sac (dacryocystitis), with or without associated preseptal penorbital cellulitis. CT accurately depicts the anatomy and diagnosis as well as associated complications.
Contributed By:
Dr. Babu Peter, Dr. Srinivasaraman, Dr. Suriyakumar
BIR, Anderson Diagnostics