Case Of the Week (COW) 28 February 2016
Diffuse osteopenia with multilevel intervertebral disc calcification and disc space narrowing Disc space appears hypointense all sequences. Para vertebral soft tissue and interspinous region shows calcifications with multilevel facetal arthropathy.
Severe osteoporosis Multilevel intervertebral disc calcification: tends to be widespread (and involves nucleus pulposus) Syndesmophytic formation Multilevel disc space narrowing The condition results due to excessive build up of homogentisic acid (HGA) from a lack of homogentisic oxidase (a defect in the biochemical pathway for the degradation of phenylalanine and tyrosine). The excess homogentisic acid (HGA) binds to collagen in connective tissue. The affected connective tissues become weak and brittle with time, leading to chronic inflammation, degeneration, and osteoarthrosis (progressive arthropathy).
Contributed By:
Dr Balaji Ayyamperumal
Tanjavur Medical College
Diffuse osteopenia with multilevel intervertebral disc calcification and disc space narrowing Disc space appears hypointense all sequences. Para vertebral soft tissue and interspinous region shows calcifications with multilevel facetal arthropathy.
Severe osteoporosis Multilevel intervertebral disc calcification: tends to be widespread (and involves nucleus pulposus) Syndesmophytic formation Multilevel disc space narrowing The condition results due to excessive build up of homogentisic acid (HGA) from a lack of homogentisic oxidase (a defect in the biochemical pathway for the degradation of phenylalanine and tyrosine). The excess homogentisic acid (HGA) binds to collagen in connective tissue. The affected connective tissues become weak and brittle with time, leading to chronic inflammation, degeneration, and osteoarthrosis (progressive arthropathy).
Contributed By:
Dr Balaji Ayyamperumal
Tanjavur Medical College