Fracture of Proximal Third of Right Clavicle With Sterno Clavicular Joint Dislocation
Sternoclavicular dislocations are one of the rarest dislocations to occur
Most commonly occurs from motor vehicle collisions, followed by athletic injuries and falls
Of dislocations, anterior dislocation of the clavicular head is 9 times more common than posterior dislocations
Co-morbidity is unusual in anterior dislocations but occurs in about 25% of posterior dislocations
Special views of the clavicles may help
· Serendipity view is an AP view of the clavicles with the tube angled upward by 40° in the supine position
· Normally, the medial ends of the clavicles are at the same level
· Since this is in essence an apical lordotic view, an anteriorly dislocated clavicular head will appear higher than the normal side whereas a posteriorly dislocated clavicular head will appear lower than the normal side
CT is the study of choice
Fracture of Proximal Third of Right Clavicle With Sterno Clavicular Joint Dislocation
Sternoclavicular dislocations are one of the rarest dislocations to occur
Most commonly occurs from motor vehicle collisions, followed by athletic injuries and falls
Of dislocations, anterior dislocation of the clavicular head is 9 times more common than posterior dislocations
Co-morbidity is unusual in anterior dislocations but occurs in about 25% of posterior dislocations
Special views of the clavicles may help
· Serendipity view is an AP view of the clavicles with the tube angled upward by 40° in the supine position
· Normally, the medial ends of the clavicles are at the same level
· Since this is in essence an apical lordotic view, an anteriorly dislocated clavicular head will appear higher than the normal side whereas a posteriorly dislocated clavicular head will appear lower than the normal side
CT is the study of choice