Answer for BIR CoW 31 July 2022
Fibrolipomatous hamartoma of median nerve
Radiographic features
A characteristic hypoechoic coaxial cabling encased by an echogenic substratum may be seen 3.
MRI features are often pathognomonic and typically shows a coaxial cable-like appearance on axial images and a spaghetti-like appearance on coronal images
•Also known as a neural fibrolipoma or lipomatosis of the nerve is a benign neoplasm of nerves, resulting from anomalous growth of fibroadipose tissue of the nerve sheath.
•seen more commonly in infants than in children and young adults. It usually presents as a slowly growing asymptomatic mass. Pain and paraesthesia can develop if associated with nerve compression or entrapment.
•Involves the median (80%), ulnar and or radial nerves and/or dorsum of the hand.
Radiographic features
A characteristic hypoechoic coaxial cabling encased by an echogenic substratum may be seen 3.
MRI features are often pathognomonic and typically shows a coaxial cable-like appearance on axial images and a spaghetti-like appearance on coronal images
•Also known as a neural fibrolipoma or lipomatosis of the nerve is a benign neoplasm of nerves, resulting from anomalous growth of fibroadipose tissue of the nerve sheath.
•seen more commonly in infants than in children and young adults. It usually presents as a slowly growing asymptomatic mass. Pain and paraesthesia can develop if associated with nerve compression or entrapment.
•Involves the median (80%), ulnar and or radial nerves and/or dorsum of the hand.
We do not discourage differential diagnosis. But all the differentials must satisfy the findings noted in the case.
If you feel you have answered rightly but cannot find your name in the above list, please call 09551942599.
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The order in which the names appear in this winner's list is based on the time of submission. The first person to send the correct answer gets his/her name on top of the list!
We do not discourage differential diagnosis. But all the differentials must satisfy the findings noted in the case.
If you feel you have answered rightly but cannot find your name in the above list, please call 09551942599.
Did you Know?
The order in which the names appear in this winner's list is based on the time of submission. The first person to send the correct answer gets his/her name on top of the list!