Answer for BIR CoW 13 Nov 2022
Accessory and cavitated uterine mass
Evidence T2 hyperintense lesion noted in the right parametrium along the wall of uterus resembling the signal intensity of endometrium. The lesion is also T1 hyperintensity and showing gradient blooming – reflecting hemorrhage. The lesion is surrounded by T1/T2 thick hypointense wall. Bilateral ovaries appears normal. IMPRESSION: Features suggestive of non communicating accessory uterine cavity.
Accessory and cavitated uterine mass (ACUM) is a mullerian anomaly caused by duplication and persistence of ductal Mullerian tissue at the insertion of round ligament, believed to be due to the gubernaculums dysfunction. Usually ACUMs seen as a cystic mass filled with T1 hype rintense hemorrhage which may be due to the cyclical changes occurring in the endometrial lining during each menstrual cycle. Main differential diagnoses include: Cystic degeneration in leiomyoma Unicornuate uterus with obstructed rudimentary horn
Evidence T2 hyperintense lesion noted in the right parametrium along the wall of uterus resembling the signal intensity of endometrium. The lesion is also T1 hyperintensity and showing gradient blooming – reflecting hemorrhage. The lesion is surrounded by T1/T2 thick hypointense wall. Bilateral ovaries appears normal. IMPRESSION: Features suggestive of non communicating accessory uterine cavity.
Accessory and cavitated uterine mass (ACUM) is a mullerian anomaly caused by duplication and persistence of ductal Mullerian tissue at the insertion of round ligament, believed to be due to the gubernaculums dysfunction. Usually ACUMs seen as a cystic mass filled with T1 hype rintense hemorrhage which may be due to the cyclical changes occurring in the endometrial lining during each menstrual cycle. Main differential diagnoses include: Cystic degeneration in leiomyoma Unicornuate uterus with obstructed rudimentary horn
We do not discourage differential diagnosis. But all the differentials must satisfy the findings noted in the case.
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We do not discourage differential diagnosis. But all the differentials must satisfy the findings noted in the case.
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