Case Of the Week (COW) 15 June 2014
Villous adenoma of duodenum.
Hypotonic duodenography showing tip of the duodenal catheter is positioned in the lower part of the descending duodenum . There is dilatation of the 2nd part of duodenum, with large well defined smooth persistent filling defect in the 2nd part of duodenum. Distal flow of barium appears normal. HPE and Scopy confirmed the lesion as villous adenoma of duodenum.
Contributed By:
Dr.Latha, Dr.Manimekala, Dr.S.Babu Peter
Barnard institute of radiology
Villous adenoma of duodenum.
Hypotonic duodenography showing tip of the duodenal catheter is positioned in the lower part of the descending duodenum . There is dilatation of the 2nd part of duodenum, with large well defined smooth persistent filling defect in the 2nd part of duodenum. Distal flow of barium appears normal. HPE and Scopy confirmed the lesion as villous adenoma of duodenum.
Contributed By:
Dr.Latha, Dr.Manimekala, Dr.S.Babu Peter
Barnard institute of radiology