Research Projects in BIR - Completed
1 Percutaneous vertebroplasty .
2 Role of Neurosonography in neonates with HIE with clinical correlation
3 Sonohysterography in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding
4 MR Angiographic evaluation of the circle of Willis
5 Fluro guided selective salpingography and fallopian tube recanalization in management of proximal tubal block causing infertility.
1 Role of Trans catheter splenic artery embolisation in the management of patients with ITP and hypersplenism
2 Role of Diffusion weighted MRI in differentiating brain abscess from necrotic brain tumors
3 MRCP vs. ERCP (3).
4 CT guided neurolytic therapy in the management of infiltrative pelvic malignancy pain
5 Static MR Urography in the evaluation of dilated urinary tract
6 Radiological evaluation of hydrocephalus in pediatric age group
1 Pre-op evaluation of fistula-in ano by MR fistulography in comparison with conventional fistulography and surgical correlation
2 Assessment of diagnostic efficacy and accuracy of USG and color Doppler in differentiating malignant from benign cervical lymphadenopathy
3 USG and Color Doppler evaluation of nodular thyroid masses
4 Evaluation of immediate and long term outcome of bronchial and other systemic artery embolization for hemoptysis
1. Role of TRUS with Color Doppler and MRI in evaluation of prostatic lesions with TRUS guided biopsy correlation
2. MRI evaluation of uterine masses with TV USG correlation – HPE as gold standard
3. Chemoembolisation of HCC
4. MR evaluation of Anterior cruciate ligament tears with arthroscopy correlation.
5. Clinico-radiological profile of cerebral venous thrombosis with MRI as prognostic tool.
6. Color Doppler evaluation of Adult hepatic tumors > 2cm with CECT & HPE correlation
1 Prediction of adverse perinatal outcome of growth restricted fetus with AN Doppler
2 Evaluation of temporal bone in cholesteatoma patients by HRCT
3 Radiological evaluation of spinal dysraphism using CT and MRI
4 Radiological evaluation of primary brain tumors using CT and MRI
1. Role of CT Enteroclysis in the evaluation of Small Bowel Diseases
2. Prediction of causes & prognosis in Prerenal Vs Renal causes of ARF using Color Doppler study
3. US evaluation of painful shoulder & correlation of rotator cuff pathologies & clinical examination
4. Role of MRI in the evaluation of pelvic floor integrity in stress incontinent patients
5. Doppler US evaluation of Hepatic venous waveform in Portal Hypertension before & after Propranlol
1. MRI of AP diameter of Midbrain – Differentiation of progressive Supranuclear palsy from Parkinson disease
2. Assessment of response to Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy in locally advanced breast cancer by Dyanamic Contrast Enhanced MR Mammogram and comparison of result with pathologic results
3. Comparison of Sildenafil with Papaverine in Penile Doppler by assessing hemodynamic changes
4. Clinical relevance of MR Urethrography in Obliterative Posterior Urethral stricture and comparison with Retrograde Urethrography
5. Evaluation of efficacy of Sonosalphingogram for assessing tubal patency in infertile patients with Hysterosalphingogram as gold standard
1 MR Colonography versus conventional colonography in determination of colonic polyposis
2 Bleeding vessels in life threatening hemoptysis comparison of MDCT with conventional angiography prior to endovascular management
3 Comparison of MDCT Virtual cystoscopy versus Conventional cystoscopy in bladder tumors
4 Lowerlimb arteries assessed with Doppler angiography –A Prospective comparative Study with MDCT angiography
5 A study to assess the efficacy of Magnetisation Transfer ratio in differentiation of tuberculoma from neurocysticercosis
6 Role of Power Doppler imaging with TRUS Guided biopsy of prostatic carcinoma
1 Dynamic MRI versus isotope scan in PUJ obstruction
2 correlation of median nerve diameter in early cases of rheumatoid arthritis with nerve conduction study as gold standard
3 CT and MR arthrogram in shoulder injuries
4 Role of opposed phase imaging in bone marrow disorders
1 Characterisation of adrenal mass with CECT washout study
2 3D color Doppler assessment of volume and vascularity in fibroids before and after Uterine artery embolisation
3 Role of CT and MR arthrogram in patients with recurrent shoulder instability
4 Study on accuracy of MRCP versus ERCP in evaluation of pancreaticobiliary disorders
1 Evaluation of transverse sinus and straight sinus stenosis using contrast enhanced MRV in idiopathic intracranial hypertension
2 Doppler USG assessment of tumor vascularity in locally advanced breast carcinoma diagnosis and following primary systemic chemotherapy
3 Role of Time intensity curve in MRI evaluation of soft tissue tumors
4 Validationof 2D Transperineal ultrasound and dynamic MRI in pelvic floor dysfunction
5 Role of MR urethrography compared to conventional urethrography in surgical management of obliterative urethral strictures
1 Role of Contrast enhanced sonography for prostate cancer detection in patients with indeterminate clinical findings
2 Transcranial color coded Doppler sonographic evaluation of intracranial arteries in symptomatic patients with extracranial carotid disease
3 Evaluating the role of testicular arterial Doppler in classifying azoospermic male infertility
4 Study of perfusion CT in ischemic stroke –parameters,final infarct volume prediction and correlation of CT perfusion parameters with clinical outcome
1 MR enterography in small bowel diseases
2 Phase contrast MR imaging in pulmonary hypertension
3 ADC values of spleen and liver in portal hypertension
4 Renal ADC values in chronic kidney disease
5 Celiac plexus neurolysis
6 Diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound & CT in acute appendicitis
1Dr. Mubarak
Dynamic MR Imaging of the upper airway during Muller’s manouvre versus during sleep – a comparative study
2Dr. Janakiraman
Spinal DTI in cervical myelopathy
3Dr. Arun
MR Diffusion in Cholestatomas
4Dr. Dheeba
Color Doppler evaluation of Cerebral- Umbilical Pulsatility ratio and its usefulness in the diagnosis of IUGR and prediction of adverse perinatal outcome.
5Dr. Karthik
Comparative quantification study of dynamic MR imaging with CT guided sacroiliac biopsies in the early diagnosis of sacroiliitis in spondyloarthropathies.
Characterisation of carotid plaque in 3T MRI and its correlation with Doppler
Analysis of multiparametric MRI data in prostatic carcinoma with PIRADS and
correlation with GLEASON score.
Role of CT perfusion in characterization of solitary renal lesions an added value to
multiphasic CT.
Role of percutaneus USG guided radiofrequency ablation in primary and
metastatic liver tumors .
USG characterization of thyroid lesions and its correlation with FNAC.
The Role of CT Perfusion Parameters in Grading of Brain Gliomas in Correlation
with Histopathology.
The Role of 3T MR Spectroscopy in Intramedullary Spinal Lesions and Its HPE
Incremental Detection Rate of Breast Carcinoma in Mammographically Dense
Breast with USG breast.
The value of perfusion CT imaging of space occupying lesions of liver with
histopathological correlation.
1Dr. Thangameena
Comparative study of orbital Doppler parameters in Diabetics with retinopathy and diabetics / Healthy control without retinopathy
2Dr. Harish
T2 Mapping of articular cartilage in osteoarthritis of the knee using 3T MRI
3Dr. Aishwarya
Role of Quantitative CT in COPD and its correlation with pulmonary function test values.
4Dr. Nagarajan
Efficacy of Ultrasound elastography in characterising focal liver lesion with HistoPathological correlation
5Dr. Vimal Chacko Mondy
Myocardial mapping in evaluation of myocardial disease and assessing normative values in controls.
1Dr. Sandhiya
Comparative analysis of the accuracy advantages of transperineal Ultrasound with MRI in anal sphincter dysfunction.
2Dr. Harini
Fetal sonographic abnormalities in comparison with karyotyping by amniocentesis: a cross sectional study.
3Dr. Rohit
Establishment of normal renal elastogram by shear wave elastography.
4Dr. Pradhap
Resting fMRI network in brain lesions.
5Dr. Srinivasan
Vascular intervention in Gastrointestinal bleed.
1 Percutaneous vertebroplasty .
2 Role of Neurosonography in neonates with HIE with clinical correlation
3 Sonohysterography in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding
4 MR Angiographic evaluation of the circle of Willis
5 Fluro guided selective salpingography and fallopian tube recanalization in management of proximal tubal block causing infertility.
1 Role of Trans catheter splenic artery embolisation in the management of patients with ITP and hypersplenism
2 Role of Diffusion weighted MRI in differentiating brain abscess from necrotic brain tumors
3 MRCP vs. ERCP (3).
4 CT guided neurolytic therapy in the management of infiltrative pelvic malignancy pain
5 Static MR Urography in the evaluation of dilated urinary tract
6 Radiological evaluation of hydrocephalus in pediatric age group
1 Pre-op evaluation of fistula-in ano by MR fistulography in comparison with conventional fistulography and surgical correlation
2 Assessment of diagnostic efficacy and accuracy of USG and color Doppler in differentiating malignant from benign cervical lymphadenopathy
3 USG and Color Doppler evaluation of nodular thyroid masses
4 Evaluation of immediate and long term outcome of bronchial and other systemic artery embolization for hemoptysis
1. Role of TRUS with Color Doppler and MRI in evaluation of prostatic lesions with TRUS guided biopsy correlation
2. MRI evaluation of uterine masses with TV USG correlation – HPE as gold standard
3. Chemoembolisation of HCC
4. MR evaluation of Anterior cruciate ligament tears with arthroscopy correlation.
5. Clinico-radiological profile of cerebral venous thrombosis with MRI as prognostic tool.
6. Color Doppler evaluation of Adult hepatic tumors > 2cm with CECT & HPE correlation
1 Prediction of adverse perinatal outcome of growth restricted fetus with AN Doppler
2 Evaluation of temporal bone in cholesteatoma patients by HRCT
3 Radiological evaluation of spinal dysraphism using CT and MRI
4 Radiological evaluation of primary brain tumors using CT and MRI
1. Role of CT Enteroclysis in the evaluation of Small Bowel Diseases
2. Prediction of causes & prognosis in Prerenal Vs Renal causes of ARF using Color Doppler study
3. US evaluation of painful shoulder & correlation of rotator cuff pathologies & clinical examination
4. Role of MRI in the evaluation of pelvic floor integrity in stress incontinent patients
5. Doppler US evaluation of Hepatic venous waveform in Portal Hypertension before & after Propranlol
1. MRI of AP diameter of Midbrain – Differentiation of progressive Supranuclear palsy from Parkinson disease
2. Assessment of response to Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy in locally advanced breast cancer by Dyanamic Contrast Enhanced MR Mammogram and comparison of result with pathologic results
3. Comparison of Sildenafil with Papaverine in Penile Doppler by assessing hemodynamic changes
4. Clinical relevance of MR Urethrography in Obliterative Posterior Urethral stricture and comparison with Retrograde Urethrography
5. Evaluation of efficacy of Sonosalphingogram for assessing tubal patency in infertile patients with Hysterosalphingogram as gold standard
1 MR Colonography versus conventional colonography in determination of colonic polyposis
2 Bleeding vessels in life threatening hemoptysis comparison of MDCT with conventional angiography prior to endovascular management
3 Comparison of MDCT Virtual cystoscopy versus Conventional cystoscopy in bladder tumors
4 Lowerlimb arteries assessed with Doppler angiography –A Prospective comparative Study with MDCT angiography
5 A study to assess the efficacy of Magnetisation Transfer ratio in differentiation of tuberculoma from neurocysticercosis
6 Role of Power Doppler imaging with TRUS Guided biopsy of prostatic carcinoma
1 Dynamic MRI versus isotope scan in PUJ obstruction
2 correlation of median nerve diameter in early cases of rheumatoid arthritis with nerve conduction study as gold standard
3 CT and MR arthrogram in shoulder injuries
4 Role of opposed phase imaging in bone marrow disorders
1 Characterisation of adrenal mass with CECT washout study
2 3D color Doppler assessment of volume and vascularity in fibroids before and after Uterine artery embolisation
3 Role of CT and MR arthrogram in patients with recurrent shoulder instability
4 Study on accuracy of MRCP versus ERCP in evaluation of pancreaticobiliary disorders
1 Evaluation of transverse sinus and straight sinus stenosis using contrast enhanced MRV in idiopathic intracranial hypertension
2 Doppler USG assessment of tumor vascularity in locally advanced breast carcinoma diagnosis and following primary systemic chemotherapy
3 Role of Time intensity curve in MRI evaluation of soft tissue tumors
4 Validationof 2D Transperineal ultrasound and dynamic MRI in pelvic floor dysfunction
5 Role of MR urethrography compared to conventional urethrography in surgical management of obliterative urethral strictures
1 Role of Contrast enhanced sonography for prostate cancer detection in patients with indeterminate clinical findings
2 Transcranial color coded Doppler sonographic evaluation of intracranial arteries in symptomatic patients with extracranial carotid disease
3 Evaluating the role of testicular arterial Doppler in classifying azoospermic male infertility
4 Study of perfusion CT in ischemic stroke –parameters,final infarct volume prediction and correlation of CT perfusion parameters with clinical outcome
1 MR enterography in small bowel diseases
2 Phase contrast MR imaging in pulmonary hypertension
3 ADC values of spleen and liver in portal hypertension
4 Renal ADC values in chronic kidney disease
5 Celiac plexus neurolysis
6 Diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound & CT in acute appendicitis
1Dr. Mubarak
Dynamic MR Imaging of the upper airway during Muller’s manouvre versus during sleep – a comparative study
2Dr. Janakiraman
Spinal DTI in cervical myelopathy
3Dr. Arun
MR Diffusion in Cholestatomas
4Dr. Dheeba
Color Doppler evaluation of Cerebral- Umbilical Pulsatility ratio and its usefulness in the diagnosis of IUGR and prediction of adverse perinatal outcome.
5Dr. Karthik
Comparative quantification study of dynamic MR imaging with CT guided sacroiliac biopsies in the early diagnosis of sacroiliitis in spondyloarthropathies.
Characterisation of carotid plaque in 3T MRI and its correlation with Doppler
Analysis of multiparametric MRI data in prostatic carcinoma with PIRADS and
correlation with GLEASON score.
Role of CT perfusion in characterization of solitary renal lesions an added value to
multiphasic CT.
Role of percutaneus USG guided radiofrequency ablation in primary and
metastatic liver tumors .
USG characterization of thyroid lesions and its correlation with FNAC.
The Role of CT Perfusion Parameters in Grading of Brain Gliomas in Correlation
with Histopathology.
The Role of 3T MR Spectroscopy in Intramedullary Spinal Lesions and Its HPE
Incremental Detection Rate of Breast Carcinoma in Mammographically Dense
Breast with USG breast.
The value of perfusion CT imaging of space occupying lesions of liver with
histopathological correlation.
1Dr. Thangameena
Comparative study of orbital Doppler parameters in Diabetics with retinopathy and diabetics / Healthy control without retinopathy
2Dr. Harish
T2 Mapping of articular cartilage in osteoarthritis of the knee using 3T MRI
3Dr. Aishwarya
Role of Quantitative CT in COPD and its correlation with pulmonary function test values.
4Dr. Nagarajan
Efficacy of Ultrasound elastography in characterising focal liver lesion with HistoPathological correlation
5Dr. Vimal Chacko Mondy
Myocardial mapping in evaluation of myocardial disease and assessing normative values in controls.
1Dr. Sandhiya
Comparative analysis of the accuracy advantages of transperineal Ultrasound with MRI in anal sphincter dysfunction.
2Dr. Harini
Fetal sonographic abnormalities in comparison with karyotyping by amniocentesis: a cross sectional study.
3Dr. Rohit
Establishment of normal renal elastogram by shear wave elastography.
4Dr. Pradhap
Resting fMRI network in brain lesions.
5Dr. Srinivasan
Vascular intervention in Gastrointestinal bleed.