Case Of the Week (COW) 23 August 2015
Desmoblastic medulloblastoma
Well defined largeT2 isotense mass lesion with cystic component with mild surounding edema ,few areas of internal haemorrage seen involving left cerebellar hemisphere displacing the brainstem.The lesion shows mild contrast enhancement- Medulloblastoma
HPE report came as desmoplastic medulloblastoma Desmoplastic medulloblastoma is characterized by an early and extensive local infiltration of the overlying meninges, probably arising from the more superficial part of the cerebellar molecular layer desmoplasia in the pathologic classification of tumors implies the presence of a sizable component of collagenous connective tissue within a neoplasm Desmoplastic medulloblastoma (DMB) is an MB variant most common in Young children, second peak in young adults Off-midline location in adults, vermis in children Better prognosis
Contributed By:
Prof. S Babu Peter, Dr. Chezhian, Dr G. Gomathi
Barnard Institute of Radiology
Desmoblastic medulloblastoma
Well defined largeT2 isotense mass lesion with cystic component with mild surounding edema ,few areas of internal haemorrage seen involving left cerebellar hemisphere displacing the brainstem.The lesion shows mild contrast enhancement- Medulloblastoma
HPE report came as desmoplastic medulloblastoma Desmoplastic medulloblastoma is characterized by an early and extensive local infiltration of the overlying meninges, probably arising from the more superficial part of the cerebellar molecular layer desmoplasia in the pathologic classification of tumors implies the presence of a sizable component of collagenous connective tissue within a neoplasm Desmoplastic medulloblastoma (DMB) is an MB variant most common in Young children, second peak in young adults Off-midline location in adults, vermis in children Better prognosis
Contributed By:
Prof. S Babu Peter, Dr. Chezhian, Dr G. Gomathi
Barnard Institute of Radiology