Case Of the Week (COW) 22 Feb 2015
USG:Fetal head showed dilated both lateral ventricles with cleft of CSF communicaion between bilateral lateral ventricles and subarachnoid spaces.Posterior fossa with inferior vermian agenesis was seen. MRI:USg findings confirmed. Ceft of CSF filled space with lining grey matter seen
A case of bilateral open lip schizencephaly with Dandy walker Variant.
DD for ventricular dilatation: 1.Hrydrocephalus: Smooth ventricular dlatation with thin peripheral cortical mantle. 2. Hydranencephaly: Fluid filled brain wihout periphheral cortical mantle. Holoprocencephaly:Abscent midline falx,monoventricle,fused thalami. 4.Porencephaly:CSF space lined with gliotic white matter. Our case was bilateral open lip schizencephaly with dandy Walker Variant diagnosed antenatally with USG& confirmed with MRI. Postnatal follow up also confirned our findings.
USG:Fetal head showed dilated both lateral ventricles with cleft of CSF communicaion between bilateral lateral ventricles and subarachnoid spaces.Posterior fossa with inferior vermian agenesis was seen. MRI:USg findings confirmed. Ceft of CSF filled space with lining grey matter seen
A case of bilateral open lip schizencephaly with Dandy walker Variant.
DD for ventricular dilatation: 1.Hrydrocephalus: Smooth ventricular dlatation with thin peripheral cortical mantle. 2. Hydranencephaly: Fluid filled brain wihout periphheral cortical mantle. Holoprocencephaly:Abscent midline falx,monoventricle,fused thalami. 4.Porencephaly:CSF space lined with gliotic white matter. Our case was bilateral open lip schizencephaly with dandy Walker Variant diagnosed antenatally with USG& confirmed with MRI. Postnatal follow up also confirned our findings.
Contributed By:
Prof. N.Kailasanathan, Dr. Shalini
Barnard Institute of Radiology
Prof. N.Kailasanathan, Dr. Shalini
Barnard Institute of Radiology