Case Of the Week (COW) 16 Feb 2014
Anterior Choroidal Artery Territory Infarct.
FLAIR hyperintensities with low ADC values reflecting Acute infarct noted involving the right parahippocampal region , posterior limb of internal capsule and right posterior paraventricular corona radiata.
In 1925- Foix described this syndrome characterized by triad of hemiparesis, hemianaesthesia, and hemianopia. Anterior Choroidal artery is a Small artery – that originates in the posterior wall of the internal carotid, 2 to 5mm distal to the posteriorcommunicating artery (PCoA) and 2 to 5 mm proximal tothe intracranial carotid bifurcation in 96 -99.5% of cases. The infarct follows a typical distribution as described in this case. Another important feature of these infarcts is that these are rarely due to small vessel occlusion and warrant a complete diagnostic workup.
Anterior choroidal artery territory infarcts. Study of presumed mechanisms.- D Leys Stroke. 1994;25:837-842
Contributed By:
Dr. Babu Peter MD, DNB
Associate Professor, Barnard Institute of Radiology
Senior Consultant Radiologist, Aarthi Scans, Chennai
Anterior Choroidal Artery Territory Infarct.
FLAIR hyperintensities with low ADC values reflecting Acute infarct noted involving the right parahippocampal region , posterior limb of internal capsule and right posterior paraventricular corona radiata.
In 1925- Foix described this syndrome characterized by triad of hemiparesis, hemianaesthesia, and hemianopia. Anterior Choroidal artery is a Small artery – that originates in the posterior wall of the internal carotid, 2 to 5mm distal to the posteriorcommunicating artery (PCoA) and 2 to 5 mm proximal tothe intracranial carotid bifurcation in 96 -99.5% of cases. The infarct follows a typical distribution as described in this case. Another important feature of these infarcts is that these are rarely due to small vessel occlusion and warrant a complete diagnostic workup.
Anterior choroidal artery territory infarcts. Study of presumed mechanisms.- D Leys Stroke. 1994;25:837-842
Contributed By:
Dr. Babu Peter MD, DNB
Associate Professor, Barnard Institute of Radiology
Senior Consultant Radiologist, Aarthi Scans, Chennai